August 2022 Summer Camp August Summer Camp was Hosted by Kancho Dr. Idris Clymer, Shihan Greg Giovaniello, and Shihan Jerome Gumbs in Middletown, DE. Summer camp is a time where students from all branches get together and train. It's a time to learn new techniques, sharpen old techniques, and train with different students and instructors. The best part of summer camp is getting together and having fun meeting new people while still training hard. This last summer camp was no exception. Ages ranged from 3 to late 60s and everyone participated and had fun. Best of all, no one sustained any major injuries, even while sparring. We hope and pray that we will see all of you and more back next year. Date and location to be announced. Ous! P.S. Don’t forget to visit the Band for more pictures and videos, and be sure to send your pictures and videos to jeromeskarate@gmail.com so we can add them to the Band and our website. Shihan Jerome
Self Defence
Kaihuku Kerai Shin Ryu (KKSR)
NewLetter Coming 2018